
Status Blockchain Jobs

About Status 

Status is the gateway to the decentralised web. We’re building the tools and infrastructure for the advancement of a secure, private, and open web3. With the high level goals of preserving the right to privacy, mitigating the risk of censorship, and promoting economic trade in a transparent, open manner, Status is building a community where anyone is welcome to join and contribute. 

As an organization, Status seeks to push the web3 ecosystem forward through research, creation of developer tools, and support of the open source community. Our core application, currently in beta on Mobile and Desktop, is an open source, Ethereum-based app that gives users the power to chat, make payments and browse the decentralized web.

Who are we?

We're a remote team of made up of 60+ core-contributors and growing community of members scattered around the globe. We care deeply about open source software, and our organizational structure has minimal hierarchy and fixed work hours. We believe in working with a high degree of autonomy while supporting the organization's priorities.

Status is a blockchain and cryptocurrency company hiring for 1 blockchain job. Status is accepting applications for remote roles. There is an open position for Junior Security Engineer. They are searching for someone in Engineering.

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